Does hypnosis work?
Does hypnosis work? Can I be hypnotised? In this blog and the accompanying short video I answer these questions and explain why hypnotherapy can be such an effective treatment.
Inner Child Healing
What is Inner Child Healing? And how can healing the past lead us to a happier future?
Overcoming Social Anxiety
Social anxiety can be so debilitating. Why is it that when we are in a group we sometimes feel nervous? At work, online, socialising, out shopping or on a train? In this blog I try and answer what makes us feel this way and how hypnotherapy can be an effective treatment for social anxiety.
Impostor syndrome: an actor’s story
Do you feel that you do not deserve to be where you are? To have the things you have? The job, the relationship? Even though you may have worked so hard to achieve those things, somehow you have a sense you just don’t belong?