I train superheroes

Attain self-belief

Winning mentality

Sporting success

Nail the pitch

Shine at auditions

Overcome mental blocks


I help performers to excel. After twenty years experience of working with people who wish to achieve, I feel that I am at the top of my game. Let me help you get there too.

If you wish to compete at a high level it’s likely you are already highly motivated. Likely also that you have enlisted specialist help to get you where you wish to be. An acting, singing or sports coach, personal trainer, a mentor, even a self-help book. I work alongside them to make sure your mind is occupying a space that will lead you to success, helping you identify and overcome mental blocks that may be standing in your way, unlocking your full potential and helping you achieve your goals. 

Whether you wish to be at the top of your game or simply up your game I work with a diverse range of people to help them succeed on stage, screen, boardroom and sporting arena. Adults and children, if you have your eye on the prize I use a combination of psychology, hypnosis and visualisation to help you to move into a winning mindset. I’m not offering you a one-line motivational quote: recent developments in brain scanning have proven that hypnosis and visualisation are powerful tools and can help you prime your mind for success.

If you are an actor who struggles to nail the audition, a creative who needs to win the pitch, an entrepreneur who needs a little more self-belief or a sportsman than needs that little bit extra to get you onto the podium, call me and I’ll explain how psychology can help.